fremont The Fremonteer: Today's Insult

The Fremonteer

Go to Fremont. Chicks dig it.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Today's Insult

Transcript of actual email conversation that occurred today regarding Fremont:

Carrie P ("The Devil"): Doesn't this place sound awesome? This could trump Fremont!

Eric: Do you believe the balls of this broad?

Kirk: The whole point of Fremont is to do nothing. Apparently she doesn't get that. She is dead to me. Tell her to have fun at her ranch because she is officially uninvited.

Ryan: After the ropes course and trust falls, we can hang out on an awesome pontoon boat, and chat with the friendly Canadians. Oh, wait, they dont have an awesome pontoon boat and friendly Canadians. NEXT!!!

Mike: Carrie I think that sounds like fun!!! Oh wait no I don't, you are an ASS

Carrie: You can all go to hell.

You can tell it's great fun by the "What the fuck is wrong with this place?" look upon the participants' faces.....

Carrie: Ummm...are you Super-scheuer-Man that you can seethrough the back of people's heads to see their expressions?

Chris: body language, babe....

In summation - Carrie is uninvited as a traitor.


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