fremont The Fremonteer: Pharmacist grad stunned!

The Fremonteer

Go to Fremont. Chicks dig it.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Pharmacist grad stunned!

Following her graduation from pharmacy school on Monday, Marissa was left to ponder the wild events of the proceeding weekend. A surprise party was thrown in honor of her graduation on Saturday (a special thank you to Sarah, Colleen and Adam for the decorations, and a thank you to Ryan, Bret, Eric, Kristen, Chris, Scott, Richie and Susan as well for being there for the surprise).

But the party thrown in her honor wasn't the only surprise Marissa got Sunday night. As she pole danced the night away in celebration, Eric "Nacho Libre" Estela leapt and flung his crazy legs around the pole and the young graduate Pharmacist in the process.

Marissa was quoted as saying "I was just doing like I usually know when there is a pole in the room, I have to use it in my dancing... and wham, there's Eric, wrapped around the pole, lifting his shirt and getting was wild."

Estela saw his opportunity and knew he had to take it. "I had been thinking about dancing on that pole all night. I was obsessed with it as soon as I stepped into the room. It was calling to me. There was something about it that made me know I had to get on it." Estela said.

Too many of Estela's friends wish they could be surprised by this sort of thing. "I can't say I was surprised, this is pretty standard procedure for him." Estela's former roommate Paul said. "It was really freaky." Scott said. He continued "I usually expect this sort of thing but I was a little blown away by all the grinding"

Not everyone was bothered by the freak-fest. Chris, a strange cat in his own right, said "I was just upset I didn't think of it. It was probably because it was Marissa up there and not some hot sweaty dude." No one is really sure who was there when the incident occurred, but those who were witness are sure to never forget it.

Following the pole dance the night continued without incident. Many drinks were had and a chugging contest broke out with the bartender. In one last moment of genius, before the night was through approximately 734 balloons were affixed to Marissa in various ways. Her exit from the basement party room in the the bar at large created quite a stir.

All in all the party was a success with many others showing up throughout the night to join in the revelry. Again, thanks to all those who were in attendance. Those who didn't... you are uninvited to the wedding.


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